In this post, we will explore key approaches to get the best out of sales training in your business.

Sales training is a vital investment for any business that aims to achieve long-term growth and profitability. It equips sales teams with the necessary skills, knowledge, and tools to execute on sales strategy. However, to truly maximize the impact of sales training, businesses need to implement strategies that ensure the training is effective, engaging, and capable of producing tangible results. Here are 7 key approaches to get the best out of sales training in your business.

  1. Set Clear Objectives: Before embarking on any sales training program, it’s crucial to establish clear objectives. What specific skills or knowledge gaps do you want to address? Do you aim to increase sales productivity, enhance customer engagement, or improve closing rates? By defining these objectives, you can tailor the training content to align with your business goals.
  2. Assess and Customize Training Programs: Not all sales training programs are created equal. It’s important to conduct a thorough assessment of your team’s needs and select a training program that best addresses those requirements. Look for programs that offer a comprehensive curriculum, interactive elements, real-world case studies, and opportunities for practice and feedback. Customizing the training to your industry, products, and unique sales challenges can also enhance its relevance and effectiveness.
  3. Encourage Active Participation: Engagement is key to effective learning. Encourage active participation during sales training sessions by incorporating interactive elements such as group discussions, skill practices, and case studies. Create a safe and supportive environment where participants feel comfortable sharing their insights, asking questions, and experimenting with new approaches. Active participation increases knowledge retention, promotes collaboration among team members, and enhances the overall learning experience.
  4. Foster a Learning Culture: To get the most out of sales training, it’s essential to create a learning culture within your organization. Encourage continuous learning and professional development by providing resources, such as micro learnings, podcasts, and reinforcement modules, that support ongoing skill development. Establish mentorship programs or peer-to-peer learning opportunities where experienced salespeople can share their knowledge and insights with others. By promoting a learning culture, you ensure that the skills acquired during training are reinforced and applied consistently.
  5. Provide Ongoing Support and Coaching: Sales training shouldn’t end when the session concludes. To truly embed the learned skills and behaviors, provide ongoing support and coaching to your sales team. Assign mentors or coaches who can guide individuals in implementing what they’ve learned, provide feedback, and help overcome challenges. Ensure leadership is modeling the behaviors and providing feedback so the new sales culture is visible at all points.
  6. Measure and Track Progress: To gauge the effectiveness of sales training, establish measurable metrics that align with your objectives. Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) such as sales revenue, conversion rates, average deal size, and customer satisfaction scores. Conduct assessments or quizzes to evaluate knowledge retention and identify areas that require additional focus. Regularly track progress and compare performance before and after training to assess the impact and identify areas for improvement.
  7. Reinforce Training with Incentives: Incentives can motivate sales teams to apply their newly acquired skills and achieve desired outcomes. Consider implementing a reward system that recognizes and rewards top performers who consistently apply the training concepts effectively. This can range from monetary incentives to public recognition within the organization. By linking incentives to training objectives, you create an additional layer of motivation and reinforce the importance of skill application.

Ebbinghaus’ famous “forgetting curve” describes how information is lost over time when you don’t try to retain it. Humans tend to halve their memory of newly learned knowledge in a matter of days or weeks unless they consciously apply the learned material. This is why I always say “great salespeople know why they win and lose” – they are learners who are always consciously evaluating what works and doesn’t and striving to improve execution. They set clear objectives, seek ongoing support and coaching, and measure their progress. As such, implementing sales training is an ongoing process of continuous improvement, key to staying ahead in a competitive business landscape.